Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Mirror of Her Dreams

For those of you who may have forgotten, tonight is a night for making up missing work before the grace period runs out reflection.JPGtomorrow.

Also, if you are a creative individual and have poetry, short stories, photography, art, etc that you would like to showcase in the Figh High School's very own Mirror Magazine, then turn your submissions in to me, the box in the library, or mirrormagazine@hotmail.com.

image credit


  1. Hey Giddings. I wasn't here on friday, as you know, or today. I was looking at the blog for the weekends homework and I don't understand it...Could you help me with it? Maybe discuss with me about what to do. Thanks!

  2. Do you mean the assertion journal? What is it you don't understand? We've done a couple of these before (most recently the Omnipresent Box assertion journal), so you're going to have to help me with what you don't understand so I know how to help you.

  3. well whatever we did in class, I don't know how to do the homework.

  4. I'm still lost. In class which day? We didn't talk about the weekend's homework in class as we'd done it before on a different assertion. Maybe you should just talk to me tomorrow; I'm not sure we're getting anywhere or even if we're talking about the same assignment.
