Monday, March 17, 2008

High School Confidential questions

We will finish questions 2-5 in our groups.  On your own, do questions 6-7, 10-12 on page 715 for tomorrow. 

In addition to finishing this essay, we'll be introducing the multiple choice section of the test and talking about that a bit.


  1. So I did the assignment at school in fourth period and I went down to the study hall so I could put it online right? Well, when I hit the publish button this weird message came up and I guess it deleted all my work.. And I didn't bring my book home so I will not be able to complete it by class tomorrow...

  2. Mr. Giddings, like Chandra, my blog won't allow me to publish my questions. I did click the manage button to see if they were saved, and they were. questions will no be posted for tomorrow, but they are done. Oh, and I don't know if this posted twice because I forgot to put in the stupid required mail thing when leaving a if it did - my bad.

  3. Allison, I checked your blogs as that happened to Jordan, but it still posted earlier today. Yours posted and is on your blog now.

    Chandra, I checked yours and it posted the title, but it is a blank post -- no text. It sounds like you have it on paper or on the computer at school. Is that true?

  4. No, I did it straight in my blog post area. I did it, Piya was with me. I will do it again, but it just won't be in for class tomorrow because I don't have my book with me.

  5. Bummer. Sorry you had complications.

  6. It's all good. Life will go on....I hope....I mean it would be terrible if I died just because of my technological difficulties.

  7. Yeah, death by computer crash would be awful!
