Welcome to the blog!
It’s time to set up yours. Intructions are
here. Make sure you follow ALL of the directions. If you have trouble, let me know.
You will use your blog to submit some of your homework. You’ll get a fair amount of your homework from my blog. The blog can be very useful if you take a little time to learn how to use it.
Some tips regarding the blog:
Pay Attention
Read each noodleblog post in its entirety. I will do my best to give you clear instructions. Do your part by reading them.
Hit Publish
When you publish your posts, hitting “save” only saves them. You
must hit Publish for your post to make it on your blog in such a way that others can read it (or give you credit for it).
Learn how to use the site
http://edublogs.org/support and at least watch the video entitled “an introduction to using edublogs”.
Make Sure You’re Up To Date
Go back and make sure you’ve done all the assignments
and all the parts of the assignments on this blog.
In the future, check this blog every day for announcements and assignments. You are responsible for doing the work posted here.
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