Tuesday, May 15, 2012

AP Test Reminders

Show up around 7:40 at the district office board room. Don't forget your magic AP pencil. Don't panic. Get good sleep. Summary equals death. Cite 3 or more sources. Calm down. You're as ready as you're going to get. You've got this.

Watch this space. Charlie made you a video about the AP test.

This other one is from a couple of years ago...

Post AP Test Party Sign-up Sheet: Tab 1 for 4th period and tab 2 for 6th period (you may have to log in to edit, but I don't think so).
Here is the Dance Walking video for 4th period. It may get the blood flowing to your brains a bit before the test tomorrow morning. That and it's just silly. A bit of silliness before a big test couldn't hurt.

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