Friday, January 13, 2012

Once More to the Lake...again

This little essay doesn't come out and make any clear claims (try and find the thesis...right), but it does contain several implied claims. Identify one of those claims and blog about it. Here is it is in more specific language:

  • What is the claim and how is it supported?
  • Defend, challenge, or qualify that claim noting the complexity of the issue and acknowledging any possible objections to your point of view 
So in sum, explain the assertion, provide support for your position, and address the counterargument. Responses should be 250-350 words (i.e. don't go crazy and write a paper, but you'll need a little bit of space to do the job well). And by the way, in the future we will do similar assignments. When we do, I'll call it an assertion journal.

Lastly, please do a separate blog for the in class style write we did today. This is a little bit different from what we normally do, but playing with style can be fun and I will give you credit for doing it. That said, please bring them to class on Tuesday so we can share some of them. This could range from just a paragraph modeling his style to something more extensive as some of you had already written before leaving class on Friday.

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