Friday, September 7, 2012

Give Parents a Break

The Classical Model
Read pages 13-25 in the book and do the assignment on page 26 (on the blog).

All right, I realize that we are skipping a bit. There is a reason for that; we'll talk about those sections in class.

Have a great weekend!

PS I mentioned to at least one of the classes that I was still hoping to do the activity I normally do on the first day. As I have the "equipment" for that activity and as it would be bad for me to eat all of it all by myself, I'll try and work it in next week. :)

PPS I keep forgetting and I need to mention this before cold season. I brought in a couple of boxes of tissue, but that isn't going to last. Therefore, I will offer 10 points EC per box up to 2 boxes (so 20 points) if you would like to bring in facial tissue. (Sidebar: Kleenex sounds so much better than facial tissue, but I was trying not to be brand specific. There's nothing wrong with Puffs and other brands that I don't know the names fact I kind of think knowing two name brands of facial tissue might be a bit excessive. Anyway, so we aren't wiping our noses on our sleeves this autumn and winter and spring...)

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